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My Songs.

I have been writing songs since the mid 70's. At last count there are over 400 waiting for their turn on my DAW. The nature of being an artist is the ability to create, so it is no surprise to me that as I begin to record an idea for a song a whole universe of additional ideas and directions emerge. That is the fun and absolute joy of music-it can take you anywhere. To avoid scatter shooting I have divided my tunes into categories. Being a hard rockin' kind of guy, most fall into rock/hard rock/metal categories. Currently I am recording songs for my doom metal releases. Did you like the first four Sabbath albums? I grew up with them and their influence is still with me. That influence is easy to detect in these devastatingly heavy, slow, crushing songs of both despair and hope.


Were you there in the big hair metal glory days? Next up are my hard rock/melodic metal/power metal songs. There are far more of these songs than any other category I write under. Some songs written in the 80's for metal bands I was a part of will re-emerge in a new light sounding cleaner and more listenable due to today's recording standards. These are the Razarking releases, of which there are currently eight.


What happens if you put Skynyrd, Haggard, Priest, and a warped sense of humor together? You get my very own brand of hard rock southern country. I push the lyrical boundaries on these songs, skirting the limits of decency and saying all the things others only think. Hey, even if you don't like the music, the words will have you rolling on the floor! It may be a minute before time allows me to release these projects.


A melodic hard rock project I'm a part of released a CD in 2020 under the band name Raddar called "Transmission." It is being received with kind and encouraging comments worldwide, and has made the radio playlist of stations from Texas and Portugal to Canada and Germany. The 17 songs on that disc were written in the mid to late 70's and released four decades later. The second Raddar release is a melodic hard rock smoker called "Signal," and features sought after drummer Michele Sanna. The third, "Beacon," features the amazing Bodo Schopf of Eloy, Sweet, and MSG fame. The next three Raddar releases are ready to rock your face off as well. Keep up with my part in all this by visiting the Raddar website at

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